NOV. 14: District 5 Housing Forum

NOV. 14: District 5 Housing Forum

Supervisor Keith Carson and the Alameda County Community Development Agency invite you to a District 5 Housing Forum.

The Alameda County 10 Year Housing Plan is a detailed report that unpacks the County’s plan to invest in housing affordability for the next decade. The Plan serves as a policy and planning framework, and public input is critical to guiding solutions that address the housing and homelessness crisis.

This event provides a space for community members to better understand Alameda County’s role in housing and its plan for the next 10 years.

PRESENTER: Michelle Starratt, Housing Director, Alameda County

Light refreshments will be served.

Parking is limited. Public transportation is highly encouraged. Building is located above the Ashby BART Station and close to multiple AC Transit lines. Visit or to plan your trip.

Contact: Liyu Woldemichael,